Congratulations. You’ve booked your first conversation and will soon be talking to a CD, or a recruiter, or a strategist. We can’t wait to do the talking together. 

This is a pretty open, easy-peasy platform. We pride ourselves on chillness. So there are just a few things we’d ask that you keep in mind:

Please Don’t Ghost Us

Sometimes you suddenly can’t make an appointment you’ve made. Life happens. But when it does, please cancel the appointment or email whoever you’re supposed to be meeting. Rescheduling is fine. Delightful even. But this is a volunteer effort. No one is getting paid just for showing up. If you ghost us, we’re left with a hole in our schedules and also our hearts.

Please Don’t Creep

You’re not creepy. Of course you’re not. Who could ever think you were creepy? But this is the internet after all and we’d hate it if you accidentally came across as one of those internet weirdos. Friendliness is good. Bonhomie is great. But strive to keep it professional. Please don’t stare. Please don’t comment on how good the person you’re talking to looks. Definitely no taking screenshots during your conversation. That would be weird. 

If Either of the Above Happens, We Might Not Take Your Meetings

Like we said, our chillness is our pride. We don’t have “policies.” We’re not keeping anyone’s permanent record here. The thing is though that CDs talk to each other too so if you go ghosting or creeping us, we may not take your appointments in the future, that’s all. 

Check-In Before Making Multiple Appointments

We love chatting with you, and we’re totally down to talk whenever it fits into our schedules. We also love talking with folks repeatedly and seeing how their journey is going. But sometimes we might need to take a break. One of two meetings in a row is great, but beyond that just check in to make sure that the CD you’re chatting with is comfortable continuing the conversations. Which we probably will be. But err on the side of politeness and make sure.